
Wednesday 6 July 2011

1lb Closer

I have not been fantastically virtuous on my diet this week, nor have I had time to fit in much in the way of exercise. However, the scales are now hovering at 10st 9lbs which puts me one small step closer to my target weight. I can only attribute my minor success (if my kids are reading this STOP NOW) to an upturn in the frequency and duration of bedroom activity (kids - I did warn you!!!).

As a weapon in my war against the wobbly bits, sex is definitely one of my favourites.

My new strategy for the coming week is, as well as sensible menu planning and drinking lots of water, to have plenty of early nights.


  1. This post made me laugh lol I now know where I am going wrong x

  2. Well done you I also drank more water and cut out carbs and lost 5 pounds!!!

  3. Lol! So that's the secret... ;)
