
Friday 3 June 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful

My reasons to be cheerful this week are:

Glorious sunshine and half term holidays :)

My 20 year old daughter, Ivy, bought her first car today - a step in the right direction towards complete independence.

My girls will be performing with their band 'Not Quite' at a local pub this Sunday. It will be their first gig that doesn't involve an audience consisting entirely of family and friends. I've been loving listening to them rehearsing and no doubt will be a teary eyed and proud mum on Sunday.


  1. Hot and sunny here, too! Good luck to your girls with their gig, that sounds really exciting.

    Have a great weekend, and I hope it stays sunny for you. It's forecast rather rubbish for us up north!

    CJ xx

  2. One of my reasons was the sunshine too. Can't imaging my little ca buying a car..well she is only 2 so a long way off yet!

  3. yay! the sun was immense today. still can't get over that you have a 20 year old daughter1 x

  4. You must be so proud! Lovely reasons x
