
Monday 6 June 2011

Joiners Gig

My daughters Taylor and Ivy are fairly regular contributors at the Open Mic Night at our local, the Joiners Arms.

Yesterday, they took their performance to the next level by doing a six song set as their band 'Not Quite' with sisters Liberty and Charis. For Liberty it was her 'Joiners debut' and it was endearing to see the nerves showing just a little through her normal enviable composure.

There were plenty of little mistakes and things they could have done better but the set was well received and I could not have been more proud.

They performed three original songs and covers of Grenade by Bruno Mars, Writer by Ellie Goulding and Walk You Home by Passenger.

Landlord, Brian, told me I had four beautiful and talented daughters, which of course I already know - but it is always nice to hear someone else say it.

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