
Monday 20 June 2011

A good start, then what happened! #mumentum

After a good start to the week when I had my 'diet head' firmly on, the second part of the week has included beer, takeaways, muffins, chocolate and ice cream - non of which is conducive to weight loss!

On a more positive note though, I did feel that everything was a) in moderation and b) thoroughly enjoyed.

I no longer feel that I am about to commit 'ideal weight' suicide but my conduct has been of a 'maintain' nature rather than about shedding the excess pounds.

Time to take stock (and thank you Liska for this monday linky because it is this which is motivating me to do so).

What went wrong? Why did my good start fail to sustain itself?

I actually have a very simple answer and it is one I can put right.

This week has been a very busy one with people needing to be fed at different times to accommodate their schedules. I have been tired and disorganised when it came to evening meals. If it gets to 6pm and I still haven't even thought about what to make for dinner, I can pretty much guarantee I won't make the best choices.

To make sure this doesn't happen again, I have made a menu plan for the whole week. It is easy enough to scribble a few ideas up on the white board in the kitchen (well it would be if I could find a pen that worked) but for me that could make the difference between being focussed/on track/in control and letting the local Indian provide my calorie intake.

My weight this morning stood at 10st 10lbs so that is 1lb down on last week. I should probably be grateful that there were No Cakes at Blog Camp Manchester!

Hoping you #MumenTum ladies have more spectacular losses to report as I aim to be doing next Monday.

Off to do some VIGOROUS housework now.


  1. you can start over today lol I was good yesturday and got up feeling like a little angel lol

  2. Excellent meal planning is always a good idea when wanting to lose a bit of weight! I might need to pinch some of your recipes as I am vegetarian! good luck with it all this week and will be looking out for your updates on twitter :-)

  3. I think you did brilliantly considering!

    Meal planning is great, something that I too have started to do recently.

    Hope you have a good week :) x

  4. I love how focused everyone is sounding this week. It is super. And how great to lose a 1 lb on what you thought wasn't a good week.

    Liska xx
    (thank you joining in again) x

  5. Your are still losing despite having a few treats this week and i am all for the b reason!

    It is a really good idea to plan. Well done. small progress is still progress. x

  6. If you can still lose when you are not sticking strictly then you are obviously doing enough on the days when you are 'being good'. Good luck for this week. x

  7. Loving the meal planning and copying some ideas for my vegetarian daughter. Congratulations on the weight loss.

    Here's to a new week filled with positivity xx

  8. Sounds like an average week for me! The meal plan is a great idea, I keep meaning to do it then I don't, I must from now on. Great you're on board too :-) x

  9. You sound like me hun! Totally lost the plot this week. Sooo need to do a meal plan. I think it really really helps!
