
Thursday 30 June 2011

Fun with Googly Eyes

I have such a backlog of posts I have meant to write but not found the time to. At least, I suppose, that is an indication that my life is too busy to be boring!

One such post which I am trying to squeeze in now in between dinner for the kids and catching up on the household chores I neglected today because I was shopping, is another video for the Izziwizzi Kids Playfest.

I was intrigued by the idea of a play activity involving sticking googly eyes on magazine pictures and volunteered to make a short video to demonstrate it. My exceptionally disdainful 23 year old daughter told me in no uncertain terms that it is something that only people with no money and no friends would do but I think she is wrong. We had such a lot of fun with our freaky googly eye pictures.

I think because the pictures we used were all of babies it created a slightly unnerving effect - maybe even  reminiscent of the evil Chucky doll from the horror film Child's Play. Next time we get out the PVA glue and googly eyes, I will make sure I have a better variety of old magazines - I'd love a googly eyed Johnny Depp or maybe even a googly eyed version of my disdainful daughter to get even with her for her comment! - but for now, this is our video:


  1. They are great!! But a little bit freaky too!!!

  2. What a great idea! This would make a great craft for a pre school or kindergarten class too.

  3. Heh, I confused "23 year old daughter" with "23 month old daughter" and thought it was Ady rather than Liberty being disdainful. Was rather impressed a 23 month old daughter could be disdainful in such a grown up way till I re-read the sentence!
