
Tuesday 5 April 2011

Movie Meme #7 - The 80's

The film that made the biggest impression on me in the eighties was horror comedy Basket Case (1982). This movie, along with the two sequels it spawned, remain personal favourites.

Basket Case tells the story of a parasitic conjoined twin that survives the surgical removal from host brother Duane. It becomes Duane's lot in life to care for the hideously malformed twin, Beliol, carrying him around in a comedically suspicious laundry hamper.

With Duane's help, Beliol exacts bloody revenge on the doctors who carried out the surgical separation and treated him as medical waste.

Low budget special effects and dead pan delivery from Duane add to the charm of this film.

In the final scene, Duane and Belial both fall from a hotel window, one assumes, to their death. Touchingly, they land in the conjoined configuration they had at birth.

If you look beyond the gore fest, it really is a tragic tale of sibling love and rivalry and a very big basket.


  1. Oh My God. This film ROCKED. I love all the old school cult horror films, and this was one of them.

    Can you remember Body Bags? I've got to do a theme on this, just got to! x

  2. I not recall this film at all!! I will have to check it out!

  3. Excellent choice..."What's in the basket??" xxx

  4. Wow, another I haven't seen, but this one sounds really funny, in a gruesome kind of way. x

  5. A horror i haven't seen - unspeakable - off to Amazon I go x

  6. not seen this film. i love good horror though so will defo have to watch it. x

  7. Can't say I've ever heard of this one - but then I'm a total wimp when it comes to horror movies, especially psychological ones. How old were you when you first saw this? Or am I reading too much into 'had the biggest impression on me' and '1982' ;)

  8. Another I haven't seen. I've obviously lead a sheltered life!

  9. Oooh I've not even heard of this, nevermind seen it! I'm off to check it out - thanks Paula xx
