
Monday 18 April 2011

Magpie Monday - Rummage Sale

Me and My Shadow

My grown up girls have a plan to make a music video for the original song that they recorded recently. Liberty has taken on the role of artistic director and her vision included a very specific look for the wardrobe. To keep the production costs within a a tight budget, her plan was to buy all the clothes from charity shops. However, five complete outfits, even at charity shop prices, was going to add up.

I was really pleased, whilst queueing up to pay for my shopping in Morrison's, to see a  poster advertising a Rummage Sale. I made a note of the details and let the girls know. None of them had ever been to a rummage sale before but they were totally on board with the idea.

We set off early with a bag of pound coins, a whole lot of hope and that little bit of nervous excitement born of never knowing quite what you're going to find.

The Gods of Thrift were smiling. No sooner had Liberty said "We need an earthy coloured hat/jacket/skirt for so and so..." something entirely suitable would magically surface from the sea of jumble and practically leap into her hands. This happened with uncanny regularity. It wasn't a very busy sale so the ladies on the seller's side of the trellis tables had time to chat and take an interest in the girls' project. They came up with some helpful (and some not so helpful!!) suggestions for items that might fit Liberty's remit.

I helped out a little bit. I found a perfect dress that will be integral to the story telling part of the video and felt oddly smug about my contribution. Mostly I let them get on with it, fed them money when they ran out, offered the odd thumbs up and words of encouragement and had a good old rummage for myself.

My top finds were a brand new Early Learning Centre bug viewer (50p)..

... a dressing up hat,  and a pile of books that I will do a separate post about.

The excitement over the haul of goodies that my girls managed to secure did somewhat eclipse my purchases. Most of the clothes were a long way from their usual style  which I think makes it all the more remarkable that they managed to create a co-ordinated look. They obviously have an eye for quality, unwittingly having purchased some Fenn Wright Manson labelled items, and everything was beautifully clean and in great condition.

This is them modelling their five complete outfits.

We had such a lot of fun and I am now really looking forward to the next stage of their video production (whatever that might be!)


  1. Team Qwerty are sooooooo good at bargain hunting and they look great x

  2. Glad you're getting the young people on board with this thrifting lark - they'll all be addicted before you know it!

  3. What a creative family you have!!

    Such talented girls!

    Ohh how I miss a good jumblie :0(

    Thanks for linking up x

  4. Like mother, like daughter in the rummage department. Sounds like great family fun to me.
    What an eye too.
    My finds are over at

  5. I remember so well that feeling of anticipation as the doors opened when I used to go to the occasional jumble sale. I really miss them because, as you rightly say, you never know what you are going to find. I found most of the ladies were extremely helpful and friendly.

  6. Love that pic of all the girls, great finds! x

  7. Aww how fantastic. They all look fab! What a lovely family xx Hope we get to see the video ? xx
