
Monday 11 April 2011

Magpie Monday - Knitting

Me and My Shadow

My Knitting Pattern Radar did not fail me last week as I browsed the Charity Shops. I was so pleased to spot this Jean Greenhowe book of Knitted Toys.

I know my mum has a small mountain of wool oddments left over from the equally mountainous collection of jumpers and cardies she has made for her grandchildren. I thought this would be an ideal way of using up some of those oddments and putting a big smile on the faces of the grandchildren who would benefit from something a bit different from the usual offering from their lovely nana.

The book was unpriced. I would happily have paid £2 for it so it seemed like a fantastic bargain when the cashier asked for only £1.

I have to confess that the scarecrow featured on the front cover did not appeal to me greatly. However, flicking through my latest acquisition over a cup of coffee back home uncovered a treasure trove of inspirational ideas within the covers.

This collection of "Witty Knits" has some fabulous little Hallowe'en characters that would make perfect decorations for that time of year when the veil between worlds is thin...

... and my Christmas tree will be jollier with the addition of some of these festive cuties.

I am not an accomplished knitter like my mum but I'm not afraid to have a go and I know the basics of casting on and off, simple plain and pearl stitch and increasing and decreasing. Looking at the patterns, I felt confident that some of them would be well within my ability.

I gave my mum the book and she was predictably delighted. I also mentioned that  I would love to have a go at some of the simpler designs myself under her watchful guidance.  The next time she visits, she has promised to bring wool, needles and the patience to help me if I get in a pickle (which I undoubtedly will). I can't wait to get started.

I have told my mum that she absolutely has to make this toy as a tribute to the days my dad served as a Coldstream Guard.

Spot the difference!


  1. Ohhhh what a lovely Book! The guard is sooooo cute x

  2. very cool book - wish i could knit as the halloween little 'uns look amazing! Love the tribute dad too :o)Scarlett x

  3. fab book and as for the scarecrow on the cover i had one of those knitted for me when i was little :)

  4. I was so thrilled to receive this lovely book and have already knitted Mother Mouse and Baby Mouse - that is just the beginning - I cannot wait to knit lots of other things. Oh! I have also knitted some clothers to fit the doll I keep here.

  5. I don't knit and would love to as used to be able to and was looking at some vintage patterns last week.
    Lovely find and some memories to share with your Mum too.
    My lot are in the usual place at

  6. Wow, I think my mother-in-law must have this book as she knitted those Christmas decorations for my son when he was a wee one. Also remember lots of kids when I was little having knitted scarecrows like the one on the cover, must have been a popular book!

  7. What a fab book - I love it! x

  8. I keep buying books like this, they're little treasures and the reason I love charity shops!
    If only I got round to actually making something out of them!!

    Kerry x

  9. what a fab book. I wish I had the paitence to sit and knit or infact make anything myself. xx

  10. Haha that's brilliant!! Love the guard.

    The halloween characters are gorgeous too. You're right, the scarecrow is not all that appealing - I wonder why they put him on the cover?

    Hope to see some of your results.

    Thanks for sharing and linking x

  11. I love the look of the Christmas decorations! Good luck :)
