
Wednesday 27 April 2011

I don't know about you but....

This meme from Oh Mammy seems like too good an opportunity to miss. Everybody needs an outlet for their frustrations and this is a lot less painful than banging your head against a wall.

I don't know about you but... I love holidays and any excuse for a celebration. I also love chocolate. Easter, then, should tick all my boxes and make me very happy. I provided activities such as Easter Bonnet Making, Gingerbread Egg Decorating, an Easter Egg Hunt and a Celebration Dinner. The kids loved it. The baby loved it to the point that he made himself sick on chocolate and deposited brown vomit over the white ribbon of the Easter Bonnet.

I don't know about you but I hate when my sister tries to make me wear her Easter Bonnet!

Despite the frivolity and fun, I couldn't help but feel disappointed that my usually generous husband had not given me an Easter Egg.

As a kid I rarely got Easter Eggs because my parents thought they were not good value for money. We would get a bar of chocolate and some pocket money instead. I remember gazing into the window of the local sweetshop at their display of eggs and so badly wanting the foil wrapped chocolate treat presented in a mug decorated with a Thelwell Pony and Rider.

No Easter has ever quite made up for the disappointment of not getting the much coveted Egg and Mug set. This Easter was no exception.

My husband had a reason for not buying me an Egg (it could have been as simple as a creme egg from the kids to make me happy). His reason was He Doesn't Do Easter.

So, I don't know about you but... I hate it when my husband decides that He Doesn't Do Easter because that means no easter egg for me - again :(

I wasn't completely without chocolate. I have a very special friend who NEVER forgets "Paula and the girls" (I'm sure the post office think I must run brothel when I go to collect parcels from him addressed like that!) He sent us a delicious Hotel Chocolate You Crack Me Up  Egg which we all shared after dinner with coffee. Lovely.


  1. Sorry your husband doesn't do Easter - nor did mine this year - had to buy my own Cream Egg! Glad you got an egg in the end and a Hotel Chocolate one too - sounds yummy!

  2. Well generally mine doesn't do Easter either (as HE doesn't like easter egg chocolate?!) but this year he went well overboard and bought me an expensive choccy egg from M&S and then the kids bought us an egg each to boot! 2011 equals a good Easter year for me ;)

  3. Doesn't do Easter? Doesn't do Easter? To be truthful, my husband doesn't do Easter either. I guess he had enough of it when he was in the greeting cards busniess. However I did get a galaxy ripple.

    I shall have to make to with stealing the children's eatser chocolate.

    I have tagged you in a post. No obilgation to play.

  4. I don't know about you but reading your post made me want to eat more chocolate!! i love this meme x

  5. The swine! As lovely as he is, how could he deprive you of chocolate? I too have a man who spontaneously decides that he will not participate in another Hallmark holiday!

    Fortunately, I have perfected my 'Holy shit! You're in trouble!' face.

    Thanks for joining in! xx
