
Wednesday 20 April 2011

The Gallery - Week 55 - My Blog

I love to write and take photos and make videos. My blog provides an outlet for all of those pursuits. It gives me a focus. It enables me to clarify my thoughts and reflect on my life. It definitely feels like a real place that I go to and it is a place where I feel happy and find much fulfilment. I miss it if I have to be away from my little plot of cyberspace for too long. No matter how messy and chaotic life becomes, my blog is always neat and orderly - a little oasis of calm where I can gather my thoughts. It readily absorbs the outpourings from my head and warns me when life is becoming a little stale and in need of a shake up.

I could probably create a collage of images to represent all the things that my blog means to me but this photograph sums it up - a cup of coffee and a keyboard ready to take me wherever I want to go.



  1. Superb, you've certainly summed up the warm fuzzy feeling you get from being a blogger :)

  2. I loved what you wrote about your blog space being tidy. Mine is where I declutter the chaos of life. Picture is perfect for you too :)

  3. Just right and summarises you and your blog and blogging generally. Well done on capturing it so well. My try at

  4. I love your photo - sums it all up doesn't it?


  5. How'd you get the Qwerty keys to sparkle? sssooooooooooooooo clever xx

  6. Clever! (I used to have a Mac keyboard like that)

  7. How many of us have a similar image facing us when we sit down at our keyboards? I know I do, and it is such bliss.

    Lovely photo.

  8. I like the simplicity of your photo - says it all without saying too much! Great idea x
