
Wednesday 13 April 2011

The Gallery - Week 54 - Tomorrow


That's a bit of an odd one for this week's Gallery. Should I interpret it literally with an image of what I'm going to be doing on Thursday? Should I take a more philosophical approach and consider a tomorrow that never comes? As a parent it is probably most poignant to think of tomorrow as the reward for the investment we make in our children today. Having a second family to raise alongside the four grown up daughters of my first marriage makes me feel very connected to the idea of tomorrow and yesterday. The little ones remind me of things the big ones did as babies and there is a great sense that all the milestones and achievements that the big ones are accomplishing are things that my little ones have ahead of them.

Searching through my photos for inspiration I came upon a poem that my daughter had written in primary school. When I separated from my first husband and sold the family home, I photographed the huge collection of paintings and other works that I had accumulated over the years before having to consign the originals to the recycling bin. I am so glad I did - there are some real treasures among them. This was one of them.

The author is now 20 years old. This is one of her tomorrows. She is still alive (!) and there is still an Earth.


  1. What a great poem from one so young! Glad she is still alive (and our planet!)
    Great post x

  2. What great words & such a beautiful author!

  3. super super post - I love that you have that from all those years ago what a treasure x

  4. That is lovely and what a good idea to photograph everything. x

  5. How lovely- I think this is my favourite so far! I am glad she is still alive now she is older lol!

  6. What fab perspective. I have reflected on just four years in mine as my two are little still, how exciting to be looking back so far.
    Gorgeous photograph, your daughter looks so full of excitement, full of tommorrows.

  7. oh that is such a treasure, I wish my mum would have kept my work

  8. She is stunning for a start and like you. Very deep poem almost as if she has been on the planet before.
    Thanks for the fabulous idea to take photos of the artwork. Have never thought of that before and hate throwning my very prolific daughter's work away. Feel so much better about tomorrow already thanks to you
    My attempt is over at

  9. awww so cute. I love looking back on their old work. Who can throw it away lol

  10. great poem - has she read it recently?

  11. What a great poem. I am very glad she's still alive, the earth is still here and tomorrow came.

  12. Wow fantastic post. Beautiful daughter too x

  13. A really lovely poem and gorgeous photo x

  14. What a beautiful photo of Emily - and that poem she wrote when she was a little girl is very thoughy provoking - I can understand whey you are so pleased that you kept it.

  15. That is a lovely post! Well done you on photographing the originals to keep and interpreting the theme this way. Beautiful photograph of your happy and carefree daughter!

  16. she's stunning. Love your take on the theme. x

  17. Beautoful poem and beauitful post x

  18. Great post, great writing and beautiful author!

