
Wednesday 27 April 2011

Friends #1 - Kirk

I've been meaning to write some posts about the important people in my life and this meme from JoJo's So Called Life has given me the kick up the bum to do it. 

I had a lot of problem's during my first year at University. The usual stuff like learning to live independently, money issues (my parents didn't appreciate that the "parental contribution" was an essential component of student financing), realising that I wasn't that interested in my course and falling in love (or at least believing I had) and having my heart broken. I left it really late even thinking about somewhere to live for my second year and ended up answering an ad with a guy I met at the Uni Accommodation Office for two people to share a house with six other students.

One of those other students was Kirk.

He came to see me in my room at the Hall of residence where I was currently living. He later told me that when he saw the Joy of Sex on my bookshelf next to the Beano Annual, he knew I would be someone he could live with!

Kirk had the biggest record collection I had ever seen. He was incredibly bright and funny and welcoming AND he could cook. 

His room in the shared house would be used very much as a social area. The door was nearly always open.

We quickly bonded as friends and he would make tapes for me of music that I was interested in. 

He was one of the few people who didn't mock me for liking John Denver and even made a dream come true by buying tickets for he and I to see the man in concert. There would be many more musical events that we would share, including the annual V Festival at Weston Park.

A Very Wet V Music Festival

Our friendship grew stronger and stronger. 

We experimented with Fine Fare Yellow Label food items (the very first supermarket budget range) to save money. We laughed at the undrinkable Yellow Label coffee and decided some things should not be economised on. 

We dieted together on the popular F Plan diet that gave you comedy wind. He lost loads of weight - I got fatter.

He made the most amazing chocolate cake in the world.

We continued to live together in my third year.

He was always there for me. He could always make me laugh. He spoiled me with thoughtful gifts and gestures.

He always makes me laugh

After graduation, we went our separate ways but he would never miss a birthday, Xmas, Valentines day, Easter, or any opportunity to show that he cared. We stayed in touch and he continued to support me through the bad patches in my life.

At the Christening of my children, Kirk was officially made God Father to my eldest daughter but he has taken it upon himself to be an honorary Godfather to them all. He supports them all in little ways and great big ways. 

At the time of my divorce he was amazing - taking his Godfather role beyond the call of duty when my daughter needed help with the beginning of her own University adventure. I will be eternally grateful to him also for the practical and emotional assistance he gave my second daughter when she failed to get the grades she needed for her first choice University.

Celebrating my eldest daughter's graduation

For his generosity, for his humour, for his support, for all that he is... I love him and don't even want to imagine how much poorer my life would have been without him. 

My wonderful friend - Kirk


  1. I love Kirk! he sounds great. what a lush post! thank you for joining in. I particularly love your photos! x

  2. He sounds awesome. What a fabulous post. Really heartwarming. x

  3. What a truely amazing friend, you are very lucky x

  4. You are truly blessed to have such a wonderful friend x
