
Friday 1 April 2011

Flashback Friday - A Practical Joke

I was one of three daughters growing up in a house that was too small and overcrowded with big furniture to comfortably accommodate us all. The close proximity we all lived in inevitably led to arguments and it was usual for two sisters (in different combinations) to gang up against one. As we all got older, this 'two against one' formation was used in good humour (mostly).

The series of photographs I have chosen for this Flashback Friday show a rare moment when little sis, Wendy and I worked together to play a trick on our big sister.

We were visiting our grandparents in the Black Country. Their house still had an outside toilet with no lock. I will let the pictures tell the story!

It was evil but she got her own back many times over.


  1. Oh no that's awesome!!! We got our own back on Carol that day!! xxx

  2. ha ha love it - these pics are so clear, they look like they were taken yesterday, my old ones are mostly blurred!

  3. Haha brilliant - that sounds like a joke I would have played ;)

  4. Fabulous! What a lovely flash back in time! ;)

    Thanks so much for linking up for Flashback Friday again!


  5. Oh that's so funny! I love it, brilliant Flashback Friday

  6. Excellent! Great memory and great photos. I just know I have one of my brother in a similar situation... I must dig it out to wave at him.


  7. Hahaha, great series of funny photos. Photos that tell a story like this are great xx
