
Saturday 23 April 2011

Donkey Oaty

We have been having such a busy time over Half Term with our first alphabet date, a third birthday to celebrate, impromptu barbecues and family visiting. There has hardly been time to catch my breath. It was a real treat to snatch some time for myself whilst my husband went off to Morrisons with the little ones, armed with a shopping list and lots of bags.

I used the time for a relaxing soak in the bath with one of my new Lush goodies, the Donkey Oaty bath bomb.

He was a cute little fellow, my donkey, but as he fizzed away in the warm water he got the look of the poor emaciated animals that feature on the animal charity leaflets urging us to dig deep into our pockets to help stop the cruelty. Soon he was gone completely. I made a mental note to put some loose change in the next RSPB collection tin and luxuriated.

It may not be everyone's idea of fun lying in bathwater that looks like it has been tinted with bromine, with citrus peel floating on a slightly scummy surface but for me it was a little bit of Easter Heaven.

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