
Friday 4 March 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy From the Heart

I had a lovely afternoon shopping with my mum. It is quite rare to ever do something with mum on her own without dad. They do not like to be apart. However, his poorly knees make it difficult for him to walk far so browsing the charity shops of Wrexham was not on his agenda. He pottered around in his garden enjoying the spring sunshine whilst mum and myself got stuck in with the bargain hunting.

My beautiful daughter, Ivy, is 20 today. The cake is in the oven (fingers crossed it turns out OK) and she is coming home tonight for the weekend.

I've just run out of decaffeinated coffee but it's buy one get one free in Morrisons (*cheers*)


  1. eh by gum, judging by no.3 you like a bargain as much as me (detailed in my simple pleasures for this week's GALLERY).

    Happy Birthday Ivy. xxx

    I am dying to see how the table turns out, which'll also answer the question of how you got on in Wrexham....

    Wasn't there something about her dressing you all too, or did I imagine that bit?

    Anyway, can't wait to hear more xxx

  2. Happy Birthday to my niece!! Glad you had fun in the charity shops with mum buying up all the bric-a-brac! Good luck with the portal cake!! xxx

  3. Mother daughter time is so precious, I have my Mum staying with me at the moment and I love it! Miss my Dad though he will be here in 2 weeks to see his grandchildren x

  4. My mum used to love charity shops!!Enjoy shopping with yours as much as you can!!

  5. Lovely reasons Paula....if I'd known you were in Wrexham I would have popped in to say hi ;) Wrexham is only a 15 min drive away from me!

    Happy Birthday to Ivy for yesterday - I hope you're having a lovely weekend.


  6. Reading your blog brought immediate happy memories of our afternoon together scouring the Charity Shops, and I think you will agree, we weren't disappointed. The sun was shining, the children were brilliant and we got to find some
    great bargains.
