
Wednesday 30 March 2011

The Gallery - Week 52 - Hair

Tara's theme this week, Hair, was full of possibilities from the bad home perms of my teenage years, elegant buns and funky dos from daughter number 2's love affair with dance (that lasted until her hamstrings screamed in protest and could not be quietened) and the glorious blonde genetic mystery of my youngest daughter.

However, the photograph that first sprung to mind and failed to be usurped by any of the other contenders was this one of Taylor, Xmas 2001. Her normally sleek straight hair just went crazy. We blamed it on the snow.


  1. wow that's a fantastic hair pic! :) Keep it for when she is older! ;)

  2. lol. Some girls go out of their way to have hair like this nowadays Im sure of it!

  3. Hilarious. Though I don't think she's going to thank you for that when she's older...

  4. That's a little Tarzan look she's got. definitely comes out at her wedding.

  5. OMG! Slightly scary :0)

  6. Ooo. That must have been difficult to brush through.

  7. Fabulous! Love that expression she's wearing too, totally in control of the situation! :)

  8. Excellent! It is like Monica from the friends episode where her hair goes frizzy and she blames it on the humidity! x

  9. Not to spoil your fun or anything... but I actually really like that picture XD
