
Friday 18 March 2011

Flashback Friday - Total Eclipse

I am not flashing back too far for this contribution to Flashback Friday.

Cast your minds back to Wednesday August 11th, 1999.

What occurred on this day was a once in a lifetime opportunity for many people to witness the spectacle of a total solar eclipse, visible from the UK.

The next time this is expected to happen is 2090.

I clearly remember the building excitement and the hushed silence as daylight faded to a spookily unnerving twilight.

I didn't even try to capture the celestial spectacle on camera but I did record my children's reactions to it as they gazed into the sky through their 'fun in the sun' eye protector glasses.


  1. I love these photos, so much nice to capture expressions on your children's faces than an event sometimes to bring back memories of the day :) x

  2. wow I do remember this day actually, I was on holiday in Kent. Fab pictures

  3. Oh How Brilliant! I Love their expressions! Excellent Flashback photo's x

  4. Looks like something out of a movie. Brilliant x

  5. I remember that day...such a weird ambience! You didn't spoil my picture...I hid you with my portly little body!!

  6. I think everyone has great memories of this day. Lovely stuff xx

  7. I remember this day too!
    The expressions are fantastic. Fab collection of photos x

  8. What fantastic photos! The expressions are just superb :) sums the day up as it was exciting x

  9. Wonderful photos, what a magical thing for the kiddies to experience.

  10. I love the pics of the girls - I do remember that day, it was really exciting - although I wore the necessary protective glasses I was still a bit aprehensive but it was certainly worth watching.

  11. ha ha, they are great photos, I remember that day, standing outside work, it was very eerie!
