
Friday 25 March 2011

Flashback Friday - Liz Taylor?

The sad death of Elizabeth Taylor this week reminded me of an old photograph of my mum, who was mistaken for the actress on more than one occasion. 

It is interesting to me that my dad does not like this photograph of his beautiful, glamorous wife. I think he objected to her showing that amount of bare flesh to the photographer!


  1. lovely photo, you do have some good genes in your family!

  2. She does look like a movie starlet in this photo! She is beautiful. X

  3. Gorgeous! I love this photo! My mother-in-law has something similar...must have been a trend to have photo shoots like the "stars" did! ;) Thanks so much for sharing it for #FlashbackFriday.

    :) Karin

  4. I do remember "when I was young" that I was mistaken for Liz Taylor in a restaurant. It was so flattering and I felt like a star for the entire evening.

  5. what a beautiful picture. Thanks for sharing

  6. Beautiful photo. Also shocked your dad doesn't like it. I'd of thought he'd be proud, she's gorgeous!

  7. What a gorgeous photo! Your mum is a natural beauty - that's why your dad didn't like it, it worried him he might lose her I bet

  8. Wow, how gorgeous is your Mum? You can so see you and Wendy in her too. Lovely xxx
