
Thursday 17 March 2011

Baby Feet

I recently reviewed the adorable baby shoes from Pre Shoes.

There is a competition running on the Pre Shoes Facebook page to win a pair of your choice.

All you have to do is Like their page and upload a picture of your baby's feet - but HURRY! Competition closes noon 18th March 2011.

Here's my entry.

Good Luck!


  1. They look lovely. Just posted a photo on there :)

  2. Hi, I did a similar post yesterday and publicised it on BMB and yet nobody entered as a result (yet). Was gutted.

    Normally BMB peops love a competition.

    The world's gone very quiet at the moment.
    I have less comments on my blog too, so I am wondering where everybody's gone....

    Has there been an evacuation I am unaware of?

    Liska x

  3. I know what you mean Liska. Maybe people are getting out in the sunshine rather than spending time on their computers. xx

  4. "The Boy and Me" said it is sunny where she is - it so so isn't here! It's overcast and I have the heating on.
