
Friday 25 February 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy From the Heart

Daughter Ivy is home from Uni. I am really glad that she has settled into life away from home,  but I absolutely love it when she comes back.

I have been doing some cooking for my family party at the weekend to celebrate my first wedding anniversary. I have made sultana cake, rich chocolate cake, lemon drizzle cake, madeira cake and mini scones. Everything has turned out really well and is wrapped and in the freezer ready and waiting.

I can't wait for the party. I feel blessed to have such a lovely family and enjoy the occasions when we can all be together. I am hoping for a time of great food and great entertainment. I can guarantee a time of great company.

Daughter Liberty took this picture:

I absolutely love the Clan of the Cave Bear series of books and it made me very happy to see that a new instalment is due to be released next month. I have many happy hours of re-reading to look forward to in preparation.

It also made very happy that my daughter knew I would be excited by this and made the effort to take the photo to show me.


  1. (: excited to see everyone for your party! Have missed you all xxx

  2. I know you said to keep up the blah but I think my Boots bath review is very lllloooooonnnggggg.

    But it came out like that :-0

    I hope you are all set for tomorrow.
    Can't wait to see Wendy's videos :-)

    Liska x

  3. Your party will be amazing I am asure. I hope you all have a ball. Enjoy the time with your precious family. Mich x

  4. It's lovely when all the baking turns out well. I know how you feel about your daughter going away to university. I found I used to automatically set a place at the table for mine when they had gone and then the realization would hit me. Enjoy your party and congratulations.
