
Thursday 17 February 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful

I have been feeling unaccountably melancholy this week. It might be my hormones or the fact that I'm still disappointed to have not received flowers on Valentines day (that makes me very shallow considering everything my husband does for me). I am all too aware how melancholy can spiral into Depression so I am very grateful for this excuse to remind myself of the many reasons to be cheerful and choose my three most cheering ones.

I may not have received flowers for Valentines day but the appearance of these snowdrops in my garden was a very cheery sight. Spring will surely follow.

My little girl is getting quite the expert with her potty in the wee department. We even risked going out to lunch wearing panties and had no embarrassing situations. We took her My Carry Potty with us just in case! Now if she'd only get over her reluctance to poo it would all be good.

My parents came to visit today. My two little ones adore their nana and grandad and are building such a wonderful relationship with them. We had a little practise session on the karaoke because my mum and dad will be performing three songs at my anniversary party in a little over a week. It was simply lovely to hear them singing some favourite songs together and I can't wait for their actual performance now. It will be a real treat. My mum is such a good sport these days that she posed for a 'snout pout' photograph for a competition that my sister encouraged her to  enter. Looking at the 'snout pout' photograph certainly encourages my melancholy to take a back seat to cheeriness!


  1. Cheer levels rising !! Love you too x

  2. I really really really want Addy's faerie outfit...for Tori, obviously *shifty eyes*

    And SMILE!!! It's nearly party time XD even though I know it just won't be the same without me and Tweeni there ;)

  3. Great photo of Nana! Spring is definitely on its way and will bring lots of cheer for all of us x

  4. Totally with you on the feeling really down this week. I can't shake it off at all. In fact I am in such a bad mood today I just want to go and hide. I think I will wait until tomorrow to post my things to be cheerful about! Liking your snowdrops and the carry potty - that did make me laugh (in a nice way). Sending cheery vibes your way though ;o)

  5. Hi - I came by today to give you an award - to find out which and collect it pop by my blog today - - Oh, and while you're there link up and link back (blog hop) to your blog so people can visit you here and discover your latest creations.

    Shah .X

  6. Yes, depression lurks waiting to catch us unawares and I think this meme/blog hop/whatever can help those of us who struggle with depression reminding us of the joy in life.
    Toilet-training was my worst nightmare but as with many things, my children survived my inadequacy. Well done you for making progress.
    Cherish those times with your mum and dad - very special moments, very special memories
    My lot of reasons are over at

  7. was literally just on my way over to you, and I went to Yahoo first only to discover that you'd sent me a second message. Wow a son after FIVE girls.

    Funny, we thought we were having a girl and for 20 weeks called her Lottie until the 20 week scan, when the bits were firmly on display. We were both upset but only for 4 hours till we named him, and once he had a name he was real and we were excited BUT I did not think I would like boys clothes and I LOVE them. I so so so enjoy dressing him up, and take millions of pictures of him.

    So happy to have found you and thanks for commenting.

    Love your reasons to be cheerful by the way.

    Liska x

  8. Got your message just now. Hee hee.

    It's just too good an offer to pass up isn't it.
    Plllleeease tell me you also entererd the code to get the £10 off as well as the 3 for 2.

    That's what makes it a real good deal, that the two offers CAN be used together xxx

    (Oh and what I said to hubby last night - you might have seen one of the pics is a two pack of shirts for him - is that in some shops, the offer brings the product down to normal prices.... BUT the difference with this is that it is reasonable to begin with so the offer... gives you a "reason to be cheerful" xxx

  9. Super reasons Paula. Sorry to hear you've been down too - must be something in the water ;)

    LOVE that photo of your Mum, that's priceless.

    Have a FAB weekend xx

  10. Hi

    Just read your "winventory".

    Is it really possible to win THAT much? That's superb.

    I have only just started entering blog competitions and have only entered about 2 so far, but you've spurred me on to enter more.

    Liska x

  11. Love the snowdrops and she looks so cute sitting there with her wee potty. Hope you have a cheerful weekend!

  12. Adrian is looking beautiful...shame about me!

  13. Lol, your Mum certainly is a good sport! Mich x
