
Monday 7 February 2011

My Guest Post - A Journey into Blogging

I felt very honoured and more than a little bit nervous when Michelle from Mummy from the Heart invited me to do a guest post for her New Bloggers Fortnight series.

I wasn't at all sure what I was going to write about when I accepted her invitation but as is often the way, once I got started, the story pretty much wrote itself. It is my story. The story of how I started blogging and the tentative steps of a journey that began with clicking "Create Blog" - a journey that is far from over.

This is my story:


  1. Love your story! Wow! 6 children with lovely age gaps! I'm the same age as your eldest. I adore blogging, have been doing it since my son was born and have loved every minute of it!! :) Have been reading your sisters blog for a while, my other half has a graco for his blog too. Have put you in my reader!! :)

  2. It is such a lovely guest post Paula, you did good!

    Mich x
