
Monday 28 February 2011

Magpie Monday - Getting a Head Start

Me and My Shadow

Part of my plan for my daughter's 20th birthday dinner party involves buying 2nd hand tableware from our local charity shops. It occurred to me that doing this all in one go was going to be difficult, if only for the sheer weight of the items I intend to purchase. For this reason, I decided to try and make life a little easier for myself and get a head start.

I had a lovely afternoon foraging through the china and brought several pieces. I never quite settled on a colour scheme so after consultation with the birthday girl we have decided on a 'rainbow' theme. This is very in keeping with her personality and does mean I can get away with just about any mix and match combination.

So far I have been particularly pleased with this heavy glass bowl.

I think it must have been used for floating candles because there was a dullness to the interior with limescale deposits from the water but it cleaned up a treat. I can imagine filling it with Ivy's favourite sweets for her birthday (did I mention that she is a big kid at heart!) At £1.50 it was cheaper than a plastic one.

My next bargain shouldn't be included in a Magpie Monday post because I bought them new from Wilkinsons. However, at 25p for two glass champagne flutes I can't resist giving them a mention. They were Valentines Day merchandise reduced to clear from £3.50 to £1.75 to £1 to 50p and finally to 25p. It was definitely a case of being in the right place at the right time. I bought three sets of two at 25p each. A total  of six champagne flutes for 75p! Certainly enough for a rainbow toast to Ivy.

My mum has told me that her local charity shop sells china for 20p an item so provided everyone is fit and well (I have one daughter off school today with a cold and a snotty, grumpy baby boy) I am planning on a visit. Lunch with my mum and a leisurely explore of the Charity shops of Wrexham sounds like a lovely way to spend a day.


  1. Oh how fabulous!! That bowl was a steal and will look lovely filled with sweets :0)

    Thanks for linking up x

  2. Good luck...and happy hunting!
    Love the bowl...I can imagine it filled with sweets!

  3. that was a good deal on the glasses! I do love the bowl too, will be an excellent sweetie bowl even has ready made holes for lollipops to stand in :)

  4. Great finds and happy charity shopping with your Mum this week x

  5. lovely bowl perfect for sweeties :)

  6. Love the glasses and they will be shared with love, Glass Bowl is also divine !
    Hope Daughter has a fab birthday!

  7. Love the rainbow theme, I have a post coming up about the coloured glasses and teacups and saucers I recently purchased.
    Fantastic bargain on the champagne flutes ! woop! xx

  8. Brilliant bargains, especially the glasses x

  9. I love that idea & was tempted to do it for my wedding (Mr's dad is doing catering). Buying plates for 80 people seems a bit daunting though!

  10. Good finds altogether.
    My lot were disappointing this week over at
