
Wednesday 16 February 2011

The Gallery - Week 46 - Togetherness

My children had been through the traumatic breakdown of their family with a father who did not consider their best interests a priority. Estranged from their father and subjected to an abusive and extremely hurtful letter from their paternal grandmother, they were fragile.

When I got together with my future husband number two, my girls were wonderfully generous accepting him into their lives. However, when I fell pregnant, I was concerned that they would feel pushed out or replaced. I was worried that they would resent the relationship the new baby would have with its real daddy. I was worried that they would resent the baby. Even if they refused to admit it to themselves, a festering resentment would be very damaging to all of us.

My worries were unfounded. The new baby inspired only love and wonder and cemented us as a family. I have watched with enormous joy and gratitude as the unbreakable bonds of togetherness have weaved their magic.

This gallery contribution on the theme of Togetherness is dedicated to the children of my first marriage and the children of my second marriage and the love that unites them.


  1. They look very serene in that photo :) Lovely post, Lx

  2. What a lovely post! (and a great photo of course) x

  3. Such a lovely post, and a beautiful picture.

  4. Oh lordy that is so beautiful.
    I think children have a huge capacity for amazing us and making us wide eyed with wonder at how 'grown up' they can be.
    Such a gorgeous sentiment to this. Really really lovely x

  5. Lovely photo and lovely post. Perfect interpretation of the meme :-)

    xx Jazzy

  6. Very touching post and lovely photo.

  7. Lovely - what a moving story and such beautiful picture.

  8. Fabulous photo, a real 'aaawwww' moment :) Jen

  9. What a moving piece and a beautiful photo. So glad it all worked out ok and that you all get on so wel,together x

  10. So gorgeous and how wonderful for you all! Thank you for sharing it! ;)


  11. This brought forth a little tear, my situation is just the same, and I too had the same worries and I too discovered them unfounded, the blending of a family is a magical thing and as my oldest tells me 'we are a perfectly imperfect family no matter what packet we came from'

  12. fabulous, must have been a worrying time, but looks like it turned out very well!
