
Wednesday 9 February 2011

Coronation Street Capers

Tomorrow I am heading to Manchester with my mum and my sister, Wendy, to have afternoon tea at the Lowry Hotel with some of the cast of Coronation Street.

It's not how I would normally spend a Thursday afternoon and I wouldn't be doing it at all were it not for the fact that we entered Typhoo Tea's OO-along competition and mum's video of her sharing a cuppa with my little girl was a runner up.  I was quite proud of the teabag earrings I made for mum to wear!

Wendy's shameless Hilda Ogden impression also recieved a runner up prize.

I'm not really what you'd call a fan of Coronation Street but I have been known to watch it from time time. I cried when Vera Duckworth died and I was moved enough by a character to include Fiz on my List of Top 5 Celebrities I'd Like to Punch.

I should definitely try and watch tonight's episode (assuming it is on tonight?!?), playing close attention to the minor characters (I'm guessing it won't be William Roache who joins us tomorrow!)

Regardless of whether or not I actually recognise the celebrities, I am thoroughly looking forward to an afternoon out in Manchester with two of my favourite ladies.



  1. It's going to be great...have Flip on charge!!!

  2. That's a good point - must make sure my camera battery is fully charged.
