
Sunday 27 February 2011

Anniversary Party

My weekend was not without stress. A missing wallet, a missing husband (?!) and a potty accident all contributed to us being an hour late starting our anniversary party. I was beginning to regret my decision to make it an alcohol free celebration. I really could have done with a stiff drink!

My mum had brought along her trademark veggie sausage/cheese rolls and fairy cakes and my sister had made calorie dripping banoffee pies. Along with all the food I'd been busy preparing, we had quite an impressive buffet.  It was lovely to see everyone tucking in.

I'm not sure what was different about our karaoke system set up this time compared with other occasions but it was quite difficult to hear the backing track when you were up on stage. This resulted in the most tuneless performances ever. Nobody minded. There was lots of dancing and fun and I for one thoroughly enjoyed myself.

My little girl had a blast; running around with helium balloons, dancing, singing and eating cake.  As we left at the end of the evening, she turned around to look back at the hall, waved and said "Bye, bye dance"

I had enough left overs to keep everyone happy snacking today and enough helium for another party. I'm not sure I'm ready for another one just yet, but soon...


  1. Sounds like you all had a fab time :) Sorry I couldn't make it xxxx

  2. Ahhh "bye bye dance" LOVE IT.
    Glad the party was good and sorry about the music sound system, but I bet you had a giggle with people's efforts to make up for it :-)
    Liska x

  3. We had a great time at the party - and enjoyed the entertainment, food and company - what more could one ask for. I think once the shock of thinking Chris had lost his wallet was over things couldn't have gone better.
