
Friday 28 January 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy From the Heart

Last night, I gave my two babies a bath. I can't help but delight in their perfect little unclothed bodies. To add to my delight and to definitely qualify as a reason to be cheerful, my two year old decided to run up and down the corridor, completely naked, proclaiming "I fast!" and wiggling her bottom completely unself-consiously each time she had to stop and change direction.

This week I have hosted my first blog Giveaway (enter here if you wish!) and written a guest post. Now if I could only secure a sponsor for Cybermummy that would be a reason to be ecstatic!

We bought my 14year old daughter a bass guitar for Christmas. For some, the sound of her practising to a backing track, volume cranked up, accompanied by her sister on drums, might be a reason to reach for the paracetamol. However, I love their joy and enthusiasm for making music and the needle on my cheerful meter goes off the scale when I hear them. Just need Liberty and Ivy to come over and add guitar, keyboard and vocals to the mix and my front room live music venue is properly up and running!


  1. What great reasons to be cheerful!

  2. More great reasons! It's so great that you love hearing your girls practising their music. Have a great weekend :)
