
Friday 14 January 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy with a Heart

For the people who follow my blog and all the lovely comments (especially for the comments on the photograph of my husband's vasectomy which I was very nervous about posting)

For the fact that my husband is healing well and not in too much discomfort

For all the new words my 2 year old is learning, in particular "I love you"

these are my reasons to be cheerful :)


  1. Had to go and look at the photo first! My son saying I love you is one of the most rewarding things I ever hear and makes me feel so special.

    Nice to 'meet' you

    Clare x

  2. is it wrong that I am still having a little giggle about that photo? that was a brave post *tips cap* Yay on the 'I love you' my favourite words from toddlers :D Jen

  3. ahhh, I love it when they say I love you, mine always used to say 'I lub you Mummy'. Must take a peek at the picture!

    Mich x
