
Wednesday 19 January 2011

The Gallery - Week 42 - Mother Nature

This photograph, taken today (from a very precarious perch), shows a sight that has become all too familiar to me this winter - a beautiful frog, frozen solid in the ice in my pond. I am sure that the frog population will survive the cruel temperatures - nature finds a way -  but it fills  me with huge sadness to see this example of the fragility of life.

Mother Nature - both cruel and fragile


  1. Aww :( that's the trouble with the weather now - the days are warmer so everything is waking up but then it all freezes again and catches them out. Mum had a butterfly in her house the other day - wasn't sure what to do with it, putting it out would undoubtedly kill it but what would it survive on inside? She let it be in the end - we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

  2. Oh thats so sad! But what an excellent idea for this prompt. Its a great photo, but Im still sad! There'll be others burrowed down deep, ready to fill your pond with tadpoles this spring.

  3. Euw!Poor frog. I am overwhelmed with sadness.

  4. oohhh nooo,the poor little thing. I keep feeding the birds but never even thought about the frogs!! Jen

  5. Aaaw this makes me so sad. I love frogs so much. Poor thing. Cruel mother nature yet again.


  7. That is so sad. Nature can be so very cruel when it "does its thing".

    How lovely, though, to have a pond to enjoy. I hope your frog population comes back healthy and strong in the spring.

    Trish@Show and Tell

  8. Very sad. You;'re right: nature does find a way. I suspect I have a lot of those here too; I usually have a good frog population in the summer, & my 'pond' is just a converted paddling pool. If it was a bit deeper they could survive by staying deep & away from the ice. It's on my To Do list...
