
Wednesday 12 January 2011

The Gallery - Week 41 - Body Parts

Not for the Squeamish

If you are at all of a delicate disposition - LEAVE NOW - you have been warned.

One body part has dominated the thoughts of myself and (even more so) my husband this week as his vasectomy appointment loomed ever closer.

We have dealt with the gravity of the situation with good humour, enjoying a delicious bowl of Ben and Jerry's 'Fairly Nuts' ice cream on the evening before the Big Day.

I held my husband's hand throughout the procedure apart from for a brief moment when the very nice Doctor had no objections to me taking a photograph.

I give you my Gallery contribution for the theme Body Parts:

Vas deferens


  1. OMG!! I am quite squeamish and I still read on... lol

  2. What an interpretation! And well done for getting such a clear picture.

    It's a good job I'm not squeamish!

  3. what a fantastic photo! wish now i'd have got a piccy done during my c section! it would have been fun to pass it round with baby photos and say, and heres one of my uterus!

  4. WOW. Now that is flipping awesome. And how cool the doc let you take a pic. How is hubs now? Hope he's made an easy recovery ;o)

  5. Goodness me.....I'll have no qualms about posting my boob shot now ;-)

  6. Husband taking it easy today, feeling a little sore but proud of himself for not fainting!

  7. Wow! Also, that's a big ol' needle they've got there!

  8. You go girl! Def one for the boys. Lucky you!
    B xx

  9. WOW! what a great photo! hope Mr QWERTY is feeling ok now :)

  10. yowza!! that made me wince and I have no willy! hee hee, fab pic! Hope he's recovering well x

  11. Ow! I kind of want to cross my legs and I'm female. That's a different take on the theme anyway! Well done.

  12. Ouch! I'm amazed you were allowed to take the photo...and to post it online! :)

  13. Ian just got very upset...he'll definitely not be offering up his testicles for chopping anytime soon now!!!

  14. hehehe, pretty much guaranteed that this will be the only photo of Vas deferens in the linky lol. Go you :D Jen

    Had to edit, the comment moderation thingy was 'symen' rofl

  15. OMG! What a picture! I suppose it's actually a key moment in your family life, so I can see why you'd want to record it. I keep typing things and deleting them... lol. Well done for doing something different!

  16. Ouchy! I'm so impressed they let you take a photo!! x

  17. I would rather give birth than have a needle put in me - well done Paul you're braver than me!

  18. Wowsers!! I have to ask, what does your husband this of this being online? Mine doesn't even like being mentioned in my blog!

  19. I did ask for his approval first! He was happy for me to post it but won't look at it himself for more than a millisecond.

  20. OMG, no idea what to say. Glad hubbie is healing well.

    Mich x
