
Thursday 6 January 2011

Fighting back against the dark days of January

As the New Year picks up its unstoppable momentum, I am thinking about how well prepared I am to meet any challenges it might bring. I am assessing my state of mind, body and soul and the outward reflection of that which is my home.

I was really pleased today to find that my seasonal excesses have not resulted in any significant weight gain. I am pretty much exactly where I was in my weight loss plan before a calorie laden Christmas arrived.  I still have 5lbs to lose before I can say I have actually reached my target but I am reasonably happy with my body the way it is - it just needs a few tweaks here and there which I will address as soon as Liberty and I get back into the habit of going to the gym regularly.

I have also treated myself to a Slendertone System Abs with some of the Boots Advantage points I won. I gave it a go yesterday. It was a bit of a fiddle positioning the sticky pads correctly to get maximum benefit but I eventually sorted it all out. I cranked the power up to just before the point where it felt like I was being punched in the stomach then sat back to let it do its job. It actually felt pretty good. I hope that combined with good eating and the other exercise I do, it should make a difference to the muscle tone which after six pregnancies, really needs that bit of extra help!

My annual New Year house de-clutter and re-organise has had a small amount of time devoted to it. It is amazing what you can achieve in a 'small amount of time' when you are really focussed. I am mostly concentrating on the utility area of my garage. Although it is out of sight and easy to ignore when it gets into a mess, clearing it up and ruthlessly removing the less than beautiful or useful items is very therapeutic. The ripples of good order are now spreading outward to the rest of the house.

I will fight back against the dark days of January with my weapons of choice - black sacks and cleaning cloths.

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