
Monday 17 January 2011

Diets always start on Monday...

Monday mornings fail to inspire and motivate me. I 'get through' Monday, plod on through Tuesday, realise the week has reached halfway on Wednesday, try and catch up with myself on Thursday, get excited by the weekend on Friday but wonder where another week has gone without me achieving a great deal.

Today, it is different. Today is one of the rare Mondays when I feel like a week of possibilities is stretching ahead of me and nothing can stop me.

I was up bright and early to make a start with the housework but more importantly, I am ready to take back control of my weight loss plan.

I am really struggling with my diet. Most people say I am looking good, especially since it is less than 7 months ago that I gave birth to my baby boy. I am forty six years old, I have had six children, do I even have the right to dream of a perfectly flat stomach? Should I be grateful that I have managed to squeeze back into my size 10s and leave it at that?

Realistically, I have a paltry 5lbs left to lose before I can say I have reached my target. 5lbs? That is nothing! How hard can it be?

The answer is, it is the hardest part of the whole diet so far! My scales are steadfastly stuck at 10stone 10lbs. Nobody takes me seriously as 'a dieter' because the big wobbly bits have gone but my little wobbly bit is every bit as much of a hindrance to my ability to fit my clothes well and feel totally confident about how I look.

Next month, it will be my 1 year wedding anniversary and in six weeks time I am having a party to celebrate. My plan is to use the next 6 weeks to really focus on diet, exercise and a whole lot of pampering so that I can be the best I can be for my party (and the rest of my life!).

Lots of people have included 'lose weight' in their New Year's Resolutions.

If you have a diet post that you could share in the linky below, I would love to read it. Perhaps together, through the power of blogging, we can all motivate each other and be rewarded with a number closer to our targets next time we step on those scales.


  1. I am embarking on my new diet today...six weeks until your party...plenty of time to get slimmed down for Fame...the Reprise!!

  2. BIG smile on my face just thinking about it! Hope I can remember the routine - might have to come round yours for a refresher course

  3. That last 5 or 7 lbs is always the hardest for me too, I just run out of steam. Best of luck! Jen

  4. It just goes to prove that no matter how much weight a person wants to loose whether is be 5lbs or 5 stone it is not always an easy task.

    Hope you stay motivated and loose those extra pounds in time for your party!

    Have fun


  5. Ive always heard it said that the last five pounds is the most difficult! I have 9 to lose, but it's going to happen. Soon. At least Soonish. ;)
