
Wednesday 29 December 2010

Reflections of 2010

As the year draws to a close, it is naturally a time for reflection.

For me, it has been an eventful year. My February wedding, the birth of a son in June, some great parties (one of which was featured in a gossip mag) and in September, the start of my blogging adventure and all the opportunities that the social media has presented.

My online comping has given me some amazing wins - a year's supply of chocolate, 100,000 Boots Advantage points and not forgetting my beautiful spotty DMs.

The purchase of a second-hand Apple Mac has opened up a world of video editing to me that I am loving. I am still immensely proud of my short film Psycho Potato which was a re-enactment of a scene from a movie using potatoes (for a Lamb Weston competition). Re-watching it now I can see so much  I would do differently with the benefit of all that I have learned over the months, but it represents the beginning of a journey to me, and who knows where it will end.

Joining the Gym with my eldest daughter has enabled me to get back into my size 10 clothes without too much unnecessary force and more importantly, given me the chance to spend time with Liberty who has now officially become a proper grown up with her first full time teaching job.

One of the highlights of my year has been helping my daughter, Taylor to win a guitar signed by her pop idol.

As yet, my 2011 diary is empty - blank pages onto which the story of my life can unfold. I have no idea what direction the New Year will take me in but I am ready to embrace it.

A February Wedding

**Happy New Year**


  1. Sounds like you had a lovely year - lovely photo from your wedding too.

    And I am somewhat jealous of the Doc Martens you won. I think this year's resolution for me may be to enter more competitions...

    Happy New Year x

  2. Here's to 2011 - Happy New Year to you all xx
