
Friday 31 December 2010

My Top 5 Things About Having Children - Listography

In my blog post Comping Convert I wrote the following:

I love lists. Lists crystallise my thoughts and provide a conduit from idea into reality. They create an illusion of order from chaos and begin to instil a sense of pace and momentum as the 'ticking' off process commences. Sometimes a mental list will suffice but it does not match up to the satisfaction of putting pen to paper (or wipe board marker to wipe board!). 

Kate Takes 5's invitation to take part in her Weekly Top 5 Listography was bound to grab my attention.

Here is my contribution:

My Top 5 Things About Having Kids

  1. PREGNANCY. I have been fortunate enough to have fairly easy pregnancies and I absolutely love the changes that happen over the course of the nine months, especially the incredible feeling of your baby moving inside you. 
  2. LABOUR & BIRTH. I know there is a certain amount of pain involved here, but as I said to my two children who were present at the birth of my third child (a home birth), it's a good sort of pain. The variety and intensity of emotions experienced is like nothing else. 
  3. CARING FOR A NEWBORN. A newborn child is totally precious and changes your whole outlook on life so dramatically. 
  4. WATCHING YOUR CHILD DEVELOP THEIR OWN CHARACTERS. It continues to be the greatest joy watching each of my six children developing in their own special ways and becoming wonderful individuals. 
  5. BEING SURROUNDED BY PEOPLE YOU LOVE. My children range in age from 22 years to 6 months. They make me laugh, they make me cry, they fill me with pride, they constantly amaze me. I love spending time with them individually and all together. I am never happier than when I am surrounded by my most wondrous creations. 

Another great thing about writing lists is that it inspires a clarity of thought that can make you aware of things that are missing in your life. I have now realised that I do not have a single photograph of all my children together. This is something that I will be looking to rectify at the earliest opportunity and I have to thank Kate Take 5 for (unknowingly) bringing it to my attention!

1 comment:

  1. Ok firstly I have to get over the fact that you have 5 kids...Wow. You are a Super Mum! Love your list and thank you for joining - looking forward to next weeks already. x
