
Thursday 9 December 2010

Graduation Day

Last year I was a very proud mum at my eldest daughter's Graduation from Bath Spa University with a First Class Honours Degree in Creative Writing. I remember feeling tearful when I read the entry she had submitted for her yearbook which began:

"Thank you first to Mum for not laughing at me when I said I wanted to be a writer"

Today I was once more in the company of academics as I watched my mortar board and robed daughter collect her Post Graduate Certificate of Education.

My daughter gives me so many reasons to be proud - her attitude to life, her independence, how hard she is working to establish her career as a secondary school teacher, how she holds onto her dream of becoming a published author - but mostly, I am proud of the adult relationship we have and her confidence that I will always be there for her in whatever capacity is needed (it usually involves cake!)

I love being a mum to my babies who depend on me for everything but there is something very special about the feeling of having ticked the 'parenting' box (job well done) and watching life unfold for your most glorious of creations.

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