
Tuesday 7 December 2010

The Gallery - Week 38 - White

The temptation this week is to post some snow pics but to be honest, I've just about had enough of the stuff now so I will venture down a different path.

In the early days of 2009, our family came up with a plan to punctuate the year ahead with a series of 12 dinner parties. The purpose was to have some fixed events to look forward to and hopefully generate some memorable moments to look back on. For me it was, in part, an attempt to slow down the crazy merry go round that is Time - put the brakes on a bit as we rushed towards the end of the decade (it had only seemed 5minutes ago that we were all panicking about the implications of approaching the new millennium). For my teenage girls it was an excuse to buy new clothes and dress up!

Over the course of the year, we planned our dinner parties and used some torn out pages of a Witches Diary to find out the 'Monthly Correspondences' of colours, flowers, gemstones and foods to set our themes and menus. This element of Magic made it all the more special.

January's colour was white.

My contribution to this week's gallery is a table laid for our first Dinner Party of 2009.

This year, on the request of my girls, I have decided to repeat the Dinner Party idea. Rather than monthly dinners, though, we will be using the Wiccan Sabbats - eight fabulous excuses to celebrate the changing seasons, make some special family memories and inevitably, buy a few new outfits!


  1. Wow, what a brilliant idea. I'd love to do something like this.

  2. That's such a lovely idea. I love anything that marks time a little :) What a lot of effort was put in too by the looks of the table.

  3. Beautiful table and what a lovely idea! There should be more excuses to get together with friends and family.
