
Monday 27 December 2010

Christmas Sniffles

It is a shame that illness has become as synonymous with Christmas as Brussel Sprouts.  The grotty weather, the inevitable stress, the change in routine - they all seem to contribute to creating a big friendly welcome to all things bug-like and disease-ful.

I can't complain too much. Our family has been struck down by nothing more sinister than a cold but it does put a bit of a damper on your festive spirit when you have to keep pausing to cough/sneeze/blow and your nose would give Rudolph a run for his money.

There is a most unpleasant wet snowy thing happening with the weather right now but I am about to venture out to Boots to stock up on tissues for my husband (who is too posh for loo roll!). I am hoping that I might find some suitably lovely treat there in the pre-January sale to take my mind off congestion/headaches/disturbed nights and put a spring back into my Christmas step.

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