
Thursday 18 November 2010

A Year's Supply of Chocolate

I have been concentrating of late on things that make me happy. Yesterday I received a quite unexpected email telling me that I had won a year's supply of chocolate! This made me very happy.

For somebody who is putting in two or three sessions a week at the gym and trying very hard to eat less, a year's supply of chocolate may seem more of a curse than a blessing. However, my current weight loss plan is a long term commitment to a healthier lifestyle rather than the crash diets and self deprivation of my past. There is plenty of room for the occasional indulgence and I am going to thoroughly enjoy spoiling all my chocoholic friends over Christmas.

To win the competition I submitted a photograph of 'me and my bar of Divine Orange and Ginger Chocolate' and, what was in my opinion, a rather overly descriptive poem detailing what I thought of said chocolate bar:

A dark sensuous velvety smooth chocolate feast
As it melts in your mouth, the flavour's unleashed
Tantalisingly tangy citrus sensation
With warm spicy ginger, a taste revelation.
This Divinely deliciously decadent treat
Does not inspire feelings of guilt as I eat
Because farmers receive a fair deal for their bean
And I've worked out on treadmill and rowing machine!

This was a 'submit by email' competition so I have no idea how many other entries there were or what they were like but I was delighted that mine was chosen. Looking back at that poem, it would have scanned much better if the last line had been, "And I've worked out on the running machine". Oh well, that's competitions for you - once you submit, there's no going back for a re-edit!

In case you're wondering, a year's supply of chocolate equates to two 100g bars a week for 52 weeks. I am looking forward to getting my hands on 104 bars of Divine chocolate - and it costs no calories to look and touch!


  1. All one flavour, or does it vary?

  2. Well done you - both with the win and the keeping fit! I'm so not looking forward to February when I'm going to have to stop eating like a pot-bellied piglet and start trying to get back in my jeans...!

  3. Nice one paula! I was really impressed with you and lora on the rowing machine yesterday! : )

  4. Hi found blog via blog hop. So much chocolate - lucky you.

  5. Well done Paula!

    And you can share your winnings amongst your friends so dont worry about all that chocolate being just for you! I'll be writing a blog post with some of the best images I received for the competition so i'll let you know when it's up.

    Enjoy your chocolate,
    Rosanna from Divine

    (PS Emily - she'll get a mix of all of our 12 100g flavours - see
