
Tuesday 12 October 2010

Going Live!

After waiting all day, our Ultimate Family Superhero video finally went live. There was a bit of cringing as we watched it but the overriding emotion was one of great excitement.

It has been lovely to see that friends and family have made the effort to watch the video, vote for us, leave comments and take it upon themselves to encourage others to vote.

Either our friend and family base is considerably smaller than the other two contenders or they have been cashing in on other networks, such as the competition forums, because we are being mightily thrashed in the voting stakes at the moment.

My sister's dream of winning two cars in as many months is looking highly unlikely.

Our chosen charities and local causes still benefit by a healthy sum even if we do come last and for me it has all just been a great experience. The voting doesn't close until November 7th and my sister may have a few tricks up her sleeve yet...there is still a chance that the tortoise could win the race!

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