
Thursday 7 October 2010

Diet Success

The last time I weighed myself I was infuriatingly close to the next milestone in my weight loss plan which would mean opening the second of my incentive gifts devised by my wonderfully supportive husband. The last time I weighed myself was before the weekend party, before the incredible chocolate birthday cake, before the baked banoffi cheesecake, before the leftovers. Needless to say I have been a little wary of stepping back on the scales.

Today, I plucked up the courage to venture into the family bathroom, activate the digital scale with a sharp tap to the top right hand corner, and step on. I needn't have been so cowardly. The numbers that appeared in the little window told me that not only had I reached my milestone, I had gone beyond it sufficiently to be in sight of the next. It was a happy moment.

My next happy moment was the anticipation of what might be inside the gift box that has been sat in plain view waiting for me to be worthy of its contents. Firstly, there was the little red envelope that contained vouchers for a hair cut in the posh hairdressers in town and then there was the box. I took the lid off and lifted the carefully scrunched tissue paper to reveal an absolutely gorgeous necklace and earring set.   My initial thought was that it wasn't the sort of jewellery that was very practical when you have a darling baby boy that loves to snuggle into your neck - then I thought that as much as love to be a mother, and will always think of myself first and foremost as a mother, sometimes it is nice to take your mummy hat off and wear a different persona.

There is a new indian restaurant opening soon in town. It looks very elegant and I love curry. I am thinking there is an opportunity here to take my mummy hat off, put my delicate, dangly new jewellery set on and have a proper grown up night out with my husband.

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