
Tuesday 5 October 2010


Although my car constructed from underpants did not make it to the ten finalists stage, my brother-in-law's computer car did! As much as I would love to be in with a 1 in 10 chance of winning a brand new shiny car, the next stage of the competition is not something I have any desire whatsoever to be involved in. Ian will have to get to High Wycombe first thing Saturday morning and with the nine other contestants, lay both hands on the Hyundai in the shopping centre and keep them there the longest (up to a maximum of, I think, 6 hours). If, by the end, there is still more than one person with their hands on the car, there will be a tie breaker question. Quite how capable anyone would be of exerting any mental effort after a mind numbing 6 hours of keeping your hands on a car I don't know - and how gutting would it be to survive the endurance ordeal and then fall at the final hurdle? Horrible. If anyone can do it, Ian can. I would have had serious issues trying to breastfeed a baby with both hands out of commission and in a very public forum!!

My Hy-Undie

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