
Wednesday 15 September 2010

My first blog post!

It's a rare moment in my household. The big kids are either at school, college or work, my toddler is having an afternoon nap and the baby, looking thoroughly dopey after a big feed (I don't know where he puts it all!) is snoozing contentedly in his pram. So it's just me ... and blissful peace ... which I am sure I would describe as aching silence if it happened too often.

I really should be using this time to get on with some uninterrupted housework, or prepare tonight's dinner or better yet give myself a good workout on the Wii fit (still having a bit more than a stone of 'baby' weight to shift and a target of a bit more than 10weeks in which to shift it) but having decided to create this blog, the lure of sitting here tapping at my keyboard is simply too powerful.

So here I am!

As a teenager, I kept a diary. The volumes have long since been reduced to ash in an angst fuelled ritualistic bonfire but from my memory, the entries were a daily chore which sometimes built up into a bigger, weekly chore trying desperately hard to recall something meaningful that I could write about. I am determined that this blog should not follow the same path (apart from anything else, an 'angst fuelled' hitting of a delete button wouldn't be nearly as satisfying or hypnotic as watching those long ago dancing flames consuming the inadequate pages that failed to chronicle my journey towards adulthood)..

I am not at all sure which direction this blog will take but I do promise that it shall be heartfelt and honest and if I ever struggle for something to write about I will take it as a warning that I am not making the most of the miracle of the Life I have been blessed with. Already my blog is finding its own way - becoming like  a miner's canary - wasn't expecting that. This could get interesting.

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